Thursday, February 18, 2010

Be BOLD...

You know sometimes in life it is important to make waves when the ocean is still and quiet and to travel down roads that have never even been paved yet, simply because it is your time and moment to do so. You are specially chosen. I often talk to so many of my clients that are still nervous to unveil their naturally kinky, curly or wavy hair at the workplace, because they are afraid of being TOO MUCH (or what I would like to call overwhelming the haters). Well today I say to you, BE BOLD! Make your mark and take your place. Walk through that door that’s already been open for you and take a seat in the corner office. Celebrate while you embark on a new you, that you didn’t even know existed. Elegantly decorate your workplace with your poise and beauty. Your coworkers will embrace your confidence and respect your authenticity. Don’t get me wrong, I understand your concerns, but there is no resolve in the safety of conforming to what other people think you should be or look like. So BOLDLY embellish your naturally kinky, curly, or wavy hair everyday, because your beauty is beyond your kinks and curls. Remember that risks must be taken in order for progress to occur, but most importantly to live, to love and to be free naturally.

1 comment:

  1. I am new client and new to wearing my own hair, and wearing out natural. After I got my hair done, I was afraid of what people at work may think...but I began to realized this is me in my truest form; lovely and beautiful. I love my hair and I love my journey that I am on (Being true to myself) Thank you Temika.

